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Hackettstown Historical Society Honors Members

Five Members Receive Rewards
Meritorious service awards were presented to several long-time members of the Hackettstown Historical Society on June 4, 2007 in a celebratory ceremony at Heath Village.

Heath Village residents John Palmer, Agnes Palmer and Dick Fremon, and Hackettstown residents Marion Strowbridge and Iola Rice were presented their awards by Hackettstown Historical Society President, Jeanne Cummins. Each recipient was awarded for their dedication and service to the Society over the years.

John and Agnes Palmer have been Society members for nearly thirty years. John served as the Society's treasurer and was instrumental in fundraising activities, including the reproduction an 1883 Hackettstown map. Agnes Palmer served on the membership and hospitality committees and was the publicity chairperson for many years. Dick Fremon was a regular museum voluteer and served as the Society's president from 1992-1998. Dick was also responsible for the computerization of nearly 15,000 Warren County DAR cemetery records.

Both Iola Rice and her late husband Robert were charter members of the Society, organized in 1975. Iola was a regular museum volunteer and a member of the hospitality committee. Once a regular museum volunteer herself, Marion Strowbridge continues to help provide museum access to volunteers on Sundays. She also served as secretary of the Society for many years.

Congratulations to all the recipients who have proudly provided served our community for many years, making Hackettstown a better place for all of us to live.

For more information on the Hackettstown Historical Society, memberships or volunteer opportunities, please see the Historical Society pages on this site.

If there is an article you would like to see published, please contact the Historical Society. Articles are subject to review and publication is at the discretion of the Hackettstown Historical Society.
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HHS Meeting Schedule
The Hackettstown Historical Society will meet on September 15, 2011.
Join us as we welcome Raymond Millhime and Martin Fleisher, two decorated American veterans, who will share their experiences in World War II.
The Hackettstown Historical Society meets the first Tuesday of the month in March, April, May, September, October, and November. Meetings begin at 7:00 and are held in the American Legion Hall, 494 Willow Grove St., Hackettstown. All are invited to attend, and refreshemnts will be served. Check this website or call the Museum at 908-852-8797 for additional information.