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Local Ephemera - It's More than Just Paper
The Hackettstown Historical Society begans its 2006-2007 meeting schedule on September 6, 2006. The speaker for the evening was Wayne Marks. Mr. Marks spoke about local ephemera and displayed numerous pieces from his wonderful personal collection. Ephemera is best described as printed and written materials published with a short intended lifetime. Common types of ephemera include letters, advertising trade cards, posters, postcards, baseball cards, tickets, greeting cards and photographs. Wayne Marks and some of his collectionsMr. Marks commented, 'I get most of my stuff from yard sales and estate sales. You never know what you're going to find!'

Mr. Marks' collection included pages from 1879 and 1891 editions of The Hackettstown Gazette, postcards from Chester, Germany Valley and Hackettstown, deeds, wills, photographs taken by one time local photographers Buell and Dedrick. He also showed a 1918 Newark firehouse log, which contained hand written information on the fires they handled and the attendance records of the firemen, including who was absent for being drunk. 'I love old paper," said Marks enthusiastically. "Anything from the 1800's. I buy it and then I try and piece it all together.'

If there is an article you would like to see published, please contact the Historical Society. Articles are subject to review and publication is at the discretion of the Hackettstown Historical Society.
News Articles and Archives
Read news articles that have been published in previous months.
HHS Meeting Schedule
The Hackettstown Historical Society will meet on September 15, 2011.
Join us as we welcome Raymond Millhime and Martin Fleisher, two decorated American veterans, who will share their experiences in World War II.
The Hackettstown Historical Society meets the first Tuesday of the month in March, April, May, September, October, and November. Meetings begin at 7:00 and are held in the American Legion Hall, 494 Willow Grove St., Hackettstown. All are invited to attend, and refreshemnts will be served. Check this website or call the Museum at 908-852-8797 for additional information.