in the Civil War
When the call came from President Lincoln, it was answered by many of
the men and boys who lived in Hackettstown and the surrounding area,
aand they bravely marched off to fight in the Civil War. Forty-nine
regiments came from New Jersey, including the 11th, the 15th, the 27th
and the 31st, which were organized with men from Hackettstown and the
surrounding Warren County area.
Click on the category to see
the names.
Click names in green to see a picture of the headstone. |
Regiment Infantry
The Thirty-first Regiment was organized under the provisions of an Act
of Congress, approved July 22, 1861. A call for ten thousand four
hundred and seventy-eight men, to serve for nine months, unless sooner
discharged, was made. The Regiment was fully completed, officered and
equipped by September 17, 1862. William
Holt, of Hackettstown, served as Lt. Colonel.
M. Trimmer
John N. Givens
Henry Hance
Alpheus McCracken
Talmadge L. Bell
John O. Schomp
Ezra Marlatt
Phillip W. Emmons
Levi H. Newman
Marshall L. Ward
George T. Nunn
G. Vroom
Tobias S. VanHorn
Amos McLean
William Nunn
Aaron Cramer, Jr.
Enlisted Men A-F
Edward H. Albertson
Conrad P. Anderson
David H. Anderson
John S. Applegate
James C. Ayers
David B. Ball
Andrew Beam
George Best
Thomas Bird
D. Bilby
Nicholas Bilby
John A. Blanchard
Samuel Carhart
William R. Carpenter
George B. Cole
William D. Coleman
John Connar
Thomas Corn
Lawrence Culver
J. Dennis
L.H. Dilley
Jacob N. Down
Azel Edgerton
William Ephnor
Henry Eley
Benjamin Felver
Charles France
Mahlon Force
George W. Frazier
Enlisted Men G-P
S. Givens
Moses Grey
John O. Griggs
John W. Grouver
Cornelius Gulick
John M. Gulick
James Hann
Alexander Harden
Enoch C. Hartpence
Samuel Hartpence
Charles H. Haywood
Edward Hazen
Edward D. Heed
Andrew H. Hibler
David Hill
John Hogan
William Hulmes
Alfred Humley
Sylvester Koyt
Aaron A. Lanning
Isaac Lee
William Losey
William H. Marlatt
Andrew Mattison
John H. Mott
George Mowrey
Charles Parson
Enlisted Men Q-Z
C. Rupell
Daniel S. Rice
Henry M. Sellers
Martin V. Sellers
James M. Staple
John D. Staple
William C. Staple
William L. Shipps
William R. Stewart
A. Smith
Walter L. Shotwell
John C. Stifie
William H.H. Stires
William Sowers
Alexander Stine
Adolpheus Stillwell
Martin R. Thomas
P. Turner
Michael Virdin
Aaron Washburn
Robert Wallace
Stewart Wire
Isaac L. Willets
Jacob Wiley
Andrew M. White
Regiment Infantry Volunteers, Company B.
The Fifteenth Regiment was organized under the provisions of an Act of
Congress, approved July 22, 1861, and was one of five regiments
required as quota from the State of New Jersey. The Regiment was fully
organized, equipped and officered on August 25, 1862. It was mustered
into service at Camp Fair Oaks, near Flemington, N. J.and took part in
the battles of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Gettysburg.
Men A-F
H. Allen
Woodhull Ammerman
Asriah Apgar
Ebenezer Apgar
Peter Anthony
Stephen Babbitt
Joseph Baker
John R. Bayles
James D. Baylor
Francis M. Beegle
George H. Bilby
John S. Bird
James H. Blake
Gideon Bowlby
Augustus Boyd
John P. Brink
Richard G. Bulgin
Joseph Burdett
Charles V. Carpenter
Ziba O. Carpenter
Harvey H. Carr
Andrew Clawson
William R. Clawson
Henry W. Cole
Oliver Coon
John Cougle
David DeGraw
David L. Denee
Morris Deremer
Lewis C. Dickerson
Lewis E. Dickerson
Thomas Dougherty
Albert L. Drake
Owen Drake
William Effner
James Egbert
Charles Fairclo
Frank S. Fernald
William Fitzgerald
Dayton E. Flint
Enlisted Men G-N
A. Gray
John Gray
Moses Gray
William Hankinson
Uriah Hardick
Jacob Hart
Jacob J. Hart
Joseph Hart
David L. Hayes
Samuel B. Heath
Henry V.C. Heed
Jacob Hendershot
Henry Hoffman
Sampson Howell
Samuel O. Howell
L. Huff
James Huffman
Edward Hull
Henry J. Hull
Abraham G. King
Robert V. Kinsey
Robert Kennedy
John Lambert
Foster H. Langdon
William Larzalier
John Lawrence
Stephen A. Lefler
William Lippencott
William Marlatt
Aaron Marshon
O. Martin
Thomas Matlock
William Mattison
James McDeed
William McKim
Jacob P. Minion
Thomas Mitchell
Lewis McCormack
William H. Merrill
Robert Milham
Jesse M. Miller
John B. Miller
Charles Monroe
Andrew A. Neal
Theodore Neighbour
Enlisted Men O-Z
M. Parks
David Price
Moses Price
William Price
Jacob Reidinger
Frank Roll
Lewis H. Salmon
Richmond Sanderson
Hiram M. Sands
Leonas Saulsberry
William A. Schenck
Augustus Schmeal
John F. Schmeal
John Schomp
Nelson Schulyer
Zachariah Seals
W. Seales
John L. Sherrer
Archibald R. Skinner
James B. Smith
Luke Smith
William R. Stewart
Jacob Stutz
Harris Sutton
Jacob L. Sutton
Isaiah B. Swayze
Robert C. Swick
John C. Thompson
John Toepher
James Timmens
Patrick Timmins
William H. Transue
D. B.
Charles VanDoren
Simon S. VanNess
Joseph R. VanSyckle
Garrett Vreeland
William Vreeland
George Vossellear
Oakley Vossellear
Robert Wallace
M.L. Ward
George Welter
Odgen Whitesell
Charles Willever
William Willever
Henry L. Wiggins
John Young
monument on Union Cemetery's Crest Drive is dedicated to the memory of
Tillie Smith, an 18 year old domestic who lived and worked at Centenary
Collegiate Institute in the late 19th century, Smith was raped and
strangled in the early hours of April 9, 1886, her body left in an open
field in plain view.
A local
Hackettstown resident and employee of CCI, James J. Titus was charged
with Tillie's murder and in October 1866, was sentenced to hang for the
crime. A book authored by Denis Sullivan, 'In Defence of Her
Honor' provides compelling evidence that Titus was convicted
on circumstantial evidence, sensational journalism and a Victorian
society's emotional outcry for accountability.
Sullivan's book is
on file in the Hackettstown Historical Society museum's research room.